Diet Plans

Stop Overeating

It is not always easy to restrict your calorie intake when you are trying to lose weight, however this video will show you some clever tricks that you can use to help you to stop overeating.


Some Diet Rules

  1. Most people assume that a healthy diet begins breakfast; however no one meal is more important than any other. What matters most is total calorie intake, food selection and how much time you spend eating each day. The timing of your meal isn’t really important so if you don’t love breakfast, skip it. If you do, then enjoy your morning meal but make sure you’re not eating more calories than you need.
  2. Most people think eating after dark is the cardinal sin of weight loss. But any diet where you can’t eat at night and can’t enjoy food with your friends and family is restrictive and doesn’t adhere to any science-backed rules of weight loss.
    You won’t become fat by eating at night—that will only happen if you overeat at night. If you’re aware of how much you should be eating each day, you can place those calories in whatever meal works best for your body.
  3. If you’re told to eat 2,000 calories per day, it doesn’t matter if it’s separated into five 400-calorie meals or two 1000-calorie feasts. However the composition of those meals does matter. What works best for your schedule should determine the number of meals you eat.
  4. When people say carbohydrates are bad, they’re usually just talking about eating lots of sugar. But that’s not really fair to every other food that also is labelled a carbohydrate. Your body needs carbohydrates. If you completely remove this essential nutrient from your diet, you could experience a lowering of the hormones that control fat loss, making it harder to lose weight.
    A good general rule is to eat more carbohydrates on the days you’re active and fewer carbohydrates on the days you’re sedentary.
    Make sure most of your carbohydrates come from whole foods such as fruits and vegetables.


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