Diet Plans

Low Calorie Diets

You may want to fit into a stunning dress within a month or to slim down before a wedding, and many people think that the answer is a crash diet! Theoretically, a person can lose weight if they are following a low calorie diet, simply because they are eating less. However, this may not be true in reality – so what is the truth about these ‘temporary fix’ diets?


What Is A Lower Calorie Diet?

The goal of a lower calorie diet is to create an energy deficit by providing fewer calories than your body needs so that the body has to draw upon the energy stored in body fat. Unlike a ‘crash diet’, lower calorie diets encourage healthy eating. A lower calorie diet can be recognized by the types of foods recommended and the way they are prepared.

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables; whole-grain cereals and breads; non-fat milk, yoghurt, and other dairy products; and lean meats, poultry, fish, and beans make up the bulk of the menu.
  • Fried foods, salty snacks, rich sauces, and sugary, fatty desserts are limited.
  • Foods are prepared using low calorie cooking methods. For example, meats, poultry, and fish are roasted, baked, or grilled – not fried.
  • Vegetables are steamed, boiled, or microwaved without using butter.


  • Oils are used sparingly, and margarine, when used, is the reduced-fat, trans-fat-free type.
  • Very importantly, portion control is stressed.


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