Diet Plans

Secrets Of The Slim

Skinny people have their success secrets, and there’s no reason you can’t try them too! Check out this video for some useful slimming tips – and take the first step towards a hot, sexy new body.


Secrets Of The Slim

  1. Thin people tend to have a relaxed attitude about food, which allows them to enjoy it without going overboard or feeling guilty.
  2. Another slimming strategy is putting your utensils down between bites. It sounds simple, but this secret enables you to savour your food, and gives you time to recognize when you’re full.
  3. Eating an appetizer course can help you eat less in the long run. Studies show that starting a meal with a light soup or salad can cut caloric intake by 25 percent. Since these foods fill you up quickly, you’ll actually consume less.
  4. Thin people are aware of what they’re eating, even during holidays and other celebrations. To follow their example, have a plan of action. You may decide to eat a piece of fruit prior to leaving the house, limit your beverage intake, or only eat appetizers containing fruits or veggies.
  5. Allow yourself the occasional indulgence and you won’t binge on junk later!
  6. Stop eating when you’re full. Sounds simple, but many of us still have a “clean our plate” mentality that results in overeating.
  7. Take frequent breaks while you eat. When you’re full, stop.
  8. Use smaller plates and bowls. People eat less when they use 7 inch plates, as opposed to the 11 inch ones.
  9. Naturally slim people don’t usually turn to food when they’re feeling emotional. If you’re not truly hungry, back away from the snacks!
  10. Take time to read food labels at the grocery store. If you can’t pronounce an ingredient or don’t know what it is, don’t eat it



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