Diet Plans

Iron Rich Foods

Iron is a mineral that we need in small amounts in our systems to support many bodily functions. Iron is a precursor of hemoglobin, which is a protein that carries oxygen in our blood cells. When you are not getting enough Iron from your diet, your body won’t be able to produce the amount of red blood cells your body needs and you will end up with iron deficiency anemia and the many different symptoms that come with it.


Symptoms include fatigue, decreased appetite, sores around your mouth, skin paleness, and even trouble swallowing chewed food. People who are on a strict diet and exercise program are at a high risk of developing iron deficiency because they are either not consuming enough foods that contain iron in consistent bases, or they flush out the mineral through their sweat.

You need to eat foods high in iron on a regular basis. If you are a meat eater, Fish Paste, Liver, Kidney, Venison, Boiled Mussels, Liver Pate, Liver Sausage, Goose, Pheasant Shrimp, Sardines canned, Anchovies canned, Whitebait, Lean Beef, Egg Yolk, contain the highest amounts of iron.

If you are vegetarian or vegan, you can take some iron from spinach, kale, wheatgerm, seaweed, sesame seeds, cashew nuts, lentils, soya beans, almonds, oats, rosemary, thyme, whole wheat flour products and dried figs or raisins.

The average daily amount has to be 10 mg for men and 10 – 15 mg for women, because some iron is lost during period cycles, Pregnant women should double their daily iron consumption as the foetus of the baby develops.