Diet Plans

Endomorph Weight Loss Plan

If your body already holds on to fat stores, then a super low-calorie diet will only make it hold on tighter. Crash diets that claim quick and easy weight loss may work in the short term, but you’ll probably gain back the weight quickly as soon as you stop and you’ll have more body fat and less muscle than when you started.





Most individuals can be grouped into one of three body types.

  • Ectomorphs tend to be long and lean and may struggle to gain weight or muscle.
  • Mesomorphs are naturally muscular and tend to gain or lose weight easily.
  • Endomorphs are typically pear-shaped, store fat easily and may have a difficult time losing weight.

While dieting with an endomorph body type may seem an impossible task, a balanced diet and proper exercise can help you lose weight safely.

Health Risks of Endomorphs
Endomorphs are more likely to carry around excess body fat, and having too much fat, especially around your middle, can increase your risk of developing certain cancers, gallbladder conditions, depression, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, osteoarthritis, fatty liver disease and sexual dysfunction. In addition to the physiological risks, excess body fat can damage your self-esteem and make everyday physical activities more difficult to complete.

Exercise Recommendations

Exercise Recommendations

Cardiovascular exercise is one of the most effective methods of burning fat.

Getting 30 to 60 minutes per day of moderately intense exercise if you have a significant amount of weight to lose is recommended.

As your fitness level improves, try adding a few shorter sessions of higher intensity cardio to elevate your metabolism for a period of time after you stop exercising.

In addition to aerobic exercise, two to three resistance training sessions each week can help you add metabolism-boosting muscle to your body.

Diet Recommendations

Diet Recommendations
Endomorphs tend to have a slower metabolism than other body types, and both the type and frequency of meals can help boost your weight loss.

  • Instead of eating three large meals each day, eat five to six smaller meals every three to four hours.
  • Eating frequently keeps your metabolism elevated throughout the day while preventing feelings of hunger between meals.
  • Choose foods with a low energy density, meaning they contain relatively few calories by volume. Having an apple for a snack will give you significantly fewer calories than
    a similar volume of chips or a chocolate bar.
  • Eat plenty of lean protein and fibre-rich carbohydrates
    like whole grains, vegetables, fruit and legumes instead
    of sugary or processed foods.

Weight Loss Basics
No matter what body type you have, successful weight loss boils down to eating fewer calories than you burn each day. The American Council on Exercise recommends creating a deficit of 500 calories each day through diet and exercise to lose 1 lb. of fat each week. If you add 200 calories worth of exercise to your daily routine, you’ll need to reduce your food intake by an additional 300 calories to successfully lose weight at a healthy rate.


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